2,060 research outputs found

    Factors Used to Make Appropriate Decisions in Youth Categories in Volleyball

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    Acknowledgments: This article will be part of the Doctoral Thesis titled: “Study of cognitive skills in volleyball players in Spain and Brazil”, by Manuel Conejero Suárez, at the University of Extremadura. This work was conducted with thanks to the Fernando Valhondo Calaff Foundation for the contribution of predoctoral contracts to young researchers.The study aim was to examine the associations between the category of play and the factors athletes use to make appropriate decisions. We observed 6567 game actions performed by 144 athletes. All game actions involved appropriate decisions. The study variables were factors on which appropriate decision-making is based (for five game actions in volleyball: serve, reception, setting, attack, block) and game category (Under-14, Under-16, Under-19). Our analysis—using contingency tables, the Chi-square test, and Cramer’s V—revealed a significant association between the two variables across the five actions. In the U-14 category, and sometimes in the U-16 category, it was more frequent than the expected random frequency that appropriate decisions were of low tactical complexity, focused on the performance of the skill, with an attentional focus on close elements, of low risk, and with actions of reduced difficulty and precision. For the U-19 category, it was more frequent than the expected random frequency that decisions were of greater tactical complexity, with an attentional focus on the opposing team, considering more relevant stimuli, with greater risk, and with greater time pressure. There is, therefore, a need for coaches to understand the decision-making skills of athletes from early on, as this will allow them to develop tasks and apply cognitive strategies that are adapted to the level of the athlete and that can ultimately improve decision-making further.Catedra del Real Madrid-European University 2017/RM02Consejeria de Economia e Infraectructuras de la Junta de Extremadura (Spain) through the European Regional Development fund: A way to make Europe GR1812

    El sector gráfico español: una aproximación histórica, tecnológica y económica

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    En este trabajo se describen los principales hitos tecnológicos que han ido marcando y configurando el sector gráfico, y se aborda la compleja problemática de su delimitación. Asimismo, se lleva a cabo un análisis comparativo con el sector manufacturero español, estudiando el comportamiento de ambos sectores en los ámbitos de la atomización y dispersión empresarial, inversiones en tecnología, subvenciones recibidas, capacidad de generación de empleo, y demografía. Finalmente, también se aborda la singularidad que el sector gráfico español representa en el ámbito del comercio exterior, y algunos de los retos que las actuales fuerzas globalizadoras de la economía le plantean.In this paper, main technological milestones which have marked and formed the graphical sector are described, and the complex problematic of its delimitations is approached. Likewise, a comparative analysis with the Spanish manufacturing sector is carried out to study the behaviour of both sectors with regard to the managerial atomization and dispersion, technology investments, received subsidies, employment creation capacity, and demography. Finally, both the Spanish graphical sector singularity in the foreign trade and some of the challenges current economy global forces exert on it also are approached

    Long-Term Concentrations and Loads of Four Dissolved Macronutrients from Two Agroforestry Catchments in NW Spain

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    [Abstract] Understanding hydrological processes controlling stream chemistry and quantifying solute concentrations over time is crucial for estimating future alterations of water quality due to land use or climate change impacts, as well as for setting preventive or remedial actions. In the current study, soluble sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) concentrations and loads were assessed in waters from two small catchments located at different distances to the sea (9 km Valiñas and 30 km Abelar) in NW Spain from 2003 to 2016. Solute concentrations were determined using spectrometric techniques, while streamflow data were employed for estimating loads. Moreover, concentration-discharge relations were calculated for each solute and catchment. The average concentrations of soluble Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were, respectively, 16.5, 2.6, 7.9 and 4.1 mg L−1 in Valiñas, and 8.2, 0.9, 2.9 and 3.4 mg L−1 in Abelar, although variability among samplings was high. The four soluble ions showed a dilution pattern in Valiñas, whereas in Abelar Na+ tended to a chemostatic behavior and K+ and Ca2+ were positively related to streamflow. In conclusion, the dominant processes controlling these relationships are local and depend on catchment characteristics such as land use (including slurry applications in Abelar), distance to the sea, and vegetation cover

    Conformational binding mechanism of lysozyme induced by interactions with penicillin antibiotic drugs

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    In this study we present an in-depth and detailed analysis of the binding process between two antibiotics (cloxacillin and dicloxacillin) and a blood serum protein (lysozyme). Our objectives have been several: to determine, at the atomic level, the structural and conformational changes that take place in both molecular structures once the complex is formed; to investigate the effect that the substitution of a hydrogen atom for a chlorine atom has on the bonding process; and to relate these local modifications with macromolecular parameters. Achieving these goals requires a multi-pronged approach and effective resource management. In our case, we have combined different experimental (isothermal titration calorimetry, UV–vis and fluorescence spectroscopy) and computational techniques (molecular docking and network models), in order to obtain comprehensive and contrasted information of the interaction process. Both approaches have showed an excellent correlation, confirming that there is a single binding site, that both penicillins are moderate binders and hydrogen bond and van der Waals forces are predominant. On the other hand, the small discrepancies between the two techniques highlighted the pressing need to approach the study of these systems from both atomic and macromolecular perspectivesThe authors acknowledge Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-111327GB-100)S

    Lysozyme allosteric interactions with β-blocker drugs

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    Effective and reliable prediction of allosteric molecular interactions involved in protein-ligand systems are essential to understand pharmacological modulation and toxicology processes that are driven by multiple factors covering from the atomistic to cellular level. Even though the interactions taking place within a defined biophysical environment are usually intricate and complex, having a preliminary knowledge of the structural determinant and biochemical function of target enzyme in the physiological or unbound state represent a step forward in the characterization of the forces involved these processes under interaction conditions as induced by drugs. In the present work, we tackle the study of relevant binding interactions between two well-recognized betablocker drugs and the lysozyme biological target from an experimental-computational perspective. In this way, molecular docking, machine learning and perturbation analysis combined with UV–vis and fluorescence measurements will allow us to determine the allosteric regulation and functional dynamics of lysozyme by binding propranolol and acebutololThe authors acknowledge Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-111327GB-100)S

    Advanced Materials Based on Nanosized Hydroxyapatite

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    The development of new materials based on hydroxyapatite has undergone a great evolution in recent decades due to technological advances and development of computational techniques. The focus of this review is the various attempts to improve new hydroxyapatite-based materials. First, we comment on the most used processing routes, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. We will now focus on other routes, less common due to their specificity and/or recent development. We also include a block dedicated to the impact of computational techniques in the development of these new systems, including: QSAR, DFT, Finite Elements of Machine Learning. In the following part we focus on the most innovative applications of these materials, ranging from medicine to new disciplines such as catalysis, environment, filtration, or energy. The review concludes with an outlook for possible new research directionsThis research was funded by MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACIÓN (PID2019-111327GB-100).S

    Cognitive processes and performance in the serve action in volleyball

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    El saque es una de las acciones de juego en voleibol a la que los equipos han dado gran importancia, definiéndose como la acción de poner el balón en juego por el jugador zaguero derecho, situado en la zona de saque. Ésta es la única acción en la que el jugador tiene el 100% del control de la pelota, teniendo tiempo suficiente para elegir el tipo, la fuerza y el área donde irá dirigido. Además, es considerado acción finalista ya que se puede conseguir punto a través de él, pudiendo afectar al rendimiento del equipo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento en la acción de saque, en voleibol de categoría Juvenil Masculino. Se analizaron mediante la observación sistemática 1555 acciones de saque, correspondientes a los 21 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Juvenil Masculino, celebrado en 2012. Los resultados mostraron una asociación significativa entre la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento, en la acción de saque (.337**). Además, existe una asociación alta entre ambas variables (Gamma = .533), y un nivel de dependencia moderado entre las mismas (D de Somers = .315). Estos resultados muestran la importancia de poseer adecuadas capacidades decisionales para obtener un óptimo rendimiento en la acción de saque, y contribuir así a mejorar el rendimiento del equipo. Por tanto, en el proceso de entrenamiento de jugadores de categoría juvenil sería apropiado considerar la posibilidad de empleo de actividades que contribuyan a la mejora de la capacidad decisional de los deportistas.The serve is one of the game actions in volleyball to which teams have given great importance. It is defined as the action to start the rally by the right back player, located in the serve zone. The serve is a single action in which the player has 100% control of the ball, having enough time to choose the type, strength and area where it will be directed. In addition, it is considered a finalist action as a direct point can be achieved through it, affecting the team performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between decision-making and performance in the serve action, in volleyball U-19 category. 1555 serve actions were analyzed through the systematic observation of the 21 teams participating in the U-19 Male Spanish Championship in 2012. The results showed a significant association between decision-making and performance in the serve action (.337 **). In addition, there is a high association between both variables (Gamma = .533), and a moderate dependency level between them (Somers' D = .315). These results show the importance of having adequate decision-making abilities to obtain optimum performance in the serve action, improving team performance. Therefore, in the training process of youth volleyball players it would be appropriate to use activities to improve the players’ decision-making abilities.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. AyudapeerReviewe

    Sensor Mobile, aplicación Android multilingüe con fines docentes para el acceso a sensores de smartphones

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    El trabajo experimental en ciencia y tecnología es clave para el aprendizaje, por lo que los laboratorios resultan imprescindibles. No obstante, el coste y la obsolescencia de los equipos hace difícil en ocasiones disponer de laboratorios actualizados y las prácticas simuladas no pueden reemplazar satisfactoriamente a las reales. Sin embargo, la utilización de sensores (acelerómetros, giróscopos, magnetómetros, Global Positioning System (GPS),…) con los que vienen equipados los smartphones, permite la implementación de prácticas, de bajo coste, que pueden utilizarse tanto en laboratorios como fuera de ellos (aprendizaje en entornos informales). Se pueden emplear aplicaciones (apps) preexistentes aunque al no haber sido diseñadas como herramientas docentes no siempre tienen el rigor necesario. Presentamos una app (Sensor Mobile), multilingüe, desarrollada en entorno Android para fines docentes que permite el acceso simultáneo a los sensores que existan en el teléfono, la visualización de los datos tanto en tiempo real como a posteriori una vez almacenados en formato csv. Se muestra también algún ejemplo práctico de su uso

    Effects of combined plyometric, strength and running technique training program on change-of-direction and countermovement jump: A two-armed parallel study design on young soccer players

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    Context and objective: Players must be capable to have a good change-of-direction (COD) skill aiming to be the fastest as possible to react immediately to the opponent or even to help players to be more agile since COD is a physical determinant of agility. Thus, the aim of this study was to test the effects of a six-week combined training intervention in the COD and countermovement jump (CMJ) of young soccer players, while comparing with a control group only performing the regular field-based training sessions.Methods: A sample of 80 non-professional players (40 experimental group and 40 control group) between the ages of ten and twelve was taken [(Age: 10.70 & PLUSMN; 1.02)]. The tests that were carried out from the beginning to the end of the intervention were: CMJ test, 505COD Test and Illinois Test. Paired sample t-test was used for determining differences as a repeated measures analysis (pre- post). An ANCOVA test was performed using the pretest as a covariate and the times pre and post as factors.Results and conclusions: Repeated measures ANCOVA revealed significant influence of baseline level on the 5-0-5 COD (p = 0.001; r/2p=0.170), the Illinois (p = 0.018; r/2p=0.070) and the CMJ (p = 0.047; r/2p=0.050). Significant interactions group*time (p < 0.001; r/2p=0.137), 5-0-5 COD (p < 0.001; r/2p=0.274), and CMJ (p < 0.001; r/2p=0.392) were found, while no significant interactions were found in Illinois (p = 0.293; r/2p=0.014). The current research revealed that a combined training intervention consisting of strength training, plyometrics, and running techniques can be significantly beneficial for improving COD performance and CMJ.Universidad de Granada/CBU